Monday, November 19, 2007

Tips for New Year Resolution

Review your last year's resolution.
Have you succeeded, if not, why did you fail. Examine it and if necessary keep the same resolution this year too.

Set Your Goals
Maintain a core focus. Be clear if you really want the change. Don't flow along with the trend.

Don't let the cup spill over
Do not create too many resolutions at a time. They may distract you. Go with one at a time.

Let it be for a year not a day
New year is the time to plan for the entire year. Let the resolution not be something for which you need just couple of days.

Acknowledge the price, and decide to pay it
Any worthwhile human achievement requires sacrifice, risk, effort and perseverance. Of course it does! This is how life works! And, you must pay the full price in advance! Be accountable to some one in case you don't follow your resolution seriously.

Sometimes its easy to forget the resolution after the New Year euphoria passes away, and one is tempted to postpone the resolution to the next year. Plan to remind yourself of it throughout the year. Make a mention of it in the diary, online reminders or if required inform people close to you about your resolution.

Strengths, weakness, Opportunities Threats
Enhance your strengths, act against your weakness, see what and how you can utilize the opportunities for the year and see if you have to prepare yourself against any threats.

Pamper Yourself
Keep a gift for yourself wrapped beautifully and gift it to yourself if you accomplish your resolution at the end of the year.

Top five New Year resolutions:

· I will take a good care of my health and will be fit the whole year.
· I will enjoy my life more, be optimistic and happy.
· I will be more helpful to others and spend some part of my earnings in charity.
· I will be organized and disciplined. I will go early to bed and also wake up early.
· I will spend more fruitful time with my family and good friends and will make every effort to make them happy.

Some other New Year resolutions you will love to follow:
· To trim down having fast or junk food and stick to food having good nutrients.
· To mark at least one day a month as "Buy Nothing Day"
· To be a regular blood donor remembering that you also may need it some day.
· To keep my vehicles pollution free so that you do not be in those ruining the environment.
· To quit smoking and drinking as by this you wreck your own body.

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